I am a painter and photographer who centres her work around the human form. I predominantly paint in oils as it gives me the time and freedom to experiment with forms on a larger scale. For my photography I prefer to use film as I enjoy the element of chance with being unable to see each image immediately and love the process of developing film and the dark room. Black and white is my favourite film with how it creates a dramatic contrast and requires a more hands on approach. I photograph both staged portraits and street scenes to capture everyday life.
A lot of my work centres around myself both to show a physical likeness and to explore my inner self and emotions. Painting self-portraits has allowed me to be more expressive with my paint application to dictate my feelings in the moment I am painting. I believe that I have changed a lot as a person since coming to university and through lockdown, so this work has allowed me to discover who I am now. My painting process involves a lot of freedom which I can find by planning my work very little, allowing an unconscious impression of myself to be portrayed without the limits of a perfectly proportioned figure.
In my practice I want to create thought-provoking work that everyone will take something from. Some could see it as unsettling, while others might find some of it comforting and some may take it at face value to see the dramatic forms and blank stares simply as a painting style. For me I wanted to harness the therapeutic powers of art and use it as a tool to re-find my sense of self and confidence which I found in both the outcome and process of creating which as its own experience was both uneasy and comforting.